Jun 23, 2010

Week 6 - Location Decisions

Following figure presets calculated distances from NFRMC adn UF. analyzed neighborhood environments about a percentage of people 40 to 49 years old and house values.

Following figure presents the results of a weighted overlay with each factor weighted at 25 percent, and distance factors weighted at 40 percent and a neiborhood environment factors weighted at 10 percent.

Jun 13, 2010

Week 2 - 4 Natural Hazards: Participation Activity

Following is the summary of the role of the GIS in the disaster response.
1) GIS makes a map for the describes what and where has happen.
2) Maps made by GIS make me think about how I can help there.
3) GIS helps clarify where and what help is needed.

Deepwater Horizon Oil Extent Animation

This animation shows the deepwater horizon oil extent from 24th April, 2nd May, 10th May, 17th May, 20th May and 26th May. We can understand how oil spill was expanded and how many areas were covered in the Gult of Mexico. This information will support to the waterkeeper which area wil be affected by the oil spill expantion.

Jun 2, 2010

Week 3 - Coastal Flooding From Hurricane Katrina

This map is showing flooded land by the land-cover types with the table calculated area by acres and square miles. The Add Table to Layout command on the Attribute Table window was used to make a table. The Turn Field Off command is useful to hide no necessary field on the attributes.

This map is showing flooded land by land cover types. Attached vertical bar graph describes the percentage of them. The Create Graph Wizard in the Tools menu is easy to create several graphs. Note that it needs enough area in the horizontal direction because of showing the x label field completely.