Mar 24, 2010

Week 9 - Vector Analysis II (Buffers and Overlay)

Q1: Which tool did you use?Was there any noticeable difference between its results and the results from 
the instructions?
A1: I used Intersect tool. This tool doesn't include both attribute of layers on the result from the instruction. Only the result appears common in both attribute.

Q2: Which tool did you use here? Why? 
A2: I used Erase tool. Because this tool can exclude conservation areas from Buffers_union_single layer.

Q3: How many features are in this layer? What is the area of the largest feature? What is the area of the smallest feature? 
A3: They are 79 features. The area of the largest feature is 7,765,034 square meters. The area of smallest feature is 748 square meters.